.COM domain price revision
We would like to bring to your attention that the upcoming price changes for .com TLD domain. The revision of prices is due to a change in the cost price from the registry of the .com TLD. The new prices will come into effect on 31st August 2021. The new price will be applicable for registration, renewal and ...
We always been committed to our client for providing better service. That’s why, we always try to provide our hosting service from the best server. To make sure of it, we regularly keep monitoring our hosting servers. In this process, to ensure better hosting experience for you, we are moving all of the current cPanel accounts that are hosted in ...
We have always been committed to our clients for providing better service. That’s why we always try to provide our hosting service from the best server. To make sure of it, we regularly keep monitoring our hosting servers. In this process, to ensure a better hosting experience for you, we are moving all of the current cPanel accounts that are ...